Sorry for the blurry pictures. Red seems to be hard to capture today and my other camera just broke! I happened to save the quilt magazine I used for the pattern, February 1995. How's that for matching the green fabric on the cover?
I sure have learned a lot since then! And I don't like calicos as much as I used to. But with Liberty of London cranking them out, I'm sure we'll see more of them. I just bought my second sweatshirt in the last few months. Yes, the 80's and 90's are back again. :)
So I learned that pre washing fabrics keeps your quilt from being all cattywampus and skinny in the middle like this one. Especially if you use cheap muslin on the back. I don't always prewash, but I am trying to do it with all of the fabric that I buy. Live and learn. Learn and love it anyway.
I learned what machine stitches look like when you're tension needs adjusting. See those threads showing from the front!
I learned I really don't like to appliqué, but this pattern used a very easy technique. (The hearts are two layers, right sides together & sewn completely around, slit in the center of the back, and then turned right side out. Clever.)
I learned I really like a little hand quilting and machine quilting on almost every quilt I make. Happy stitches. xo xo